"It's time to act for the climate, the people and the planet".

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations since January 2017, has given us powerful speeches, always reminding us of the importance of fighting climate change.
We remember the day he was on the cover of Time magazine, where he warns that we are running out of time, and with the planet sinking. In his words "climate change is an area where the United Nations has an obligation to take global leadership (...) because it is absolutely essential for the planet to reverse the current situation. (...) Action is needed".
His vision statement is straightforward: "Now that we know what, we must work on how. (...) With the 2030 horizon, the focus is on action and the watchword is implementation, implementation, implementation."
In a recent and very clear message, left in an opinion piece in the Portuguese newspaper Expresso, we highlight a sentence that seems to us to sum up all the work of the Food4Ssustainability CoLAB:
"I would also like to encourage young people around the world to continue to raise their voices demanding action to combat climate change, protect biodiversity, end humanity's war against nature and accelerate efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals."
This is what defines us as CoLAB, this concerted action towards a sustainable and healthier planet when it comes to food production.
All of us, young and not so young, have in our hands the power to do differently, for the good of humanity. Together, and by taking the right measures, we will be able to change the future of the planet.
It's time to act!