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Smart Sustainable Farms Food and Trade EDIH receives European Commission's Seal of Excellence

Foto do escritor: BGI GeralBGI Geral

The SFT-EDIH Digital Innovation Hub receives the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission, for the merit of the work proposed in the field of digitisation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the agri-food sector.

The European Digitalisation programme has recognised the Smart Sustainable Farms Foods and Trade European Digital Innovation Hub (SFT-EDIH) application, coordinated by BGI S.A., as highly relevant in boosting the digitalisation of the European agricultural sector. This important recognition follows on from the national recognition as a national Digital Innovation Hub (DIH).

The mission of SFT-EDIH is to be a one-stop-shop of the agri-food value chain assisting SMEs in the transition to sustainable food systems within the framework of the European Farm to Fork policy, which will enable them to become more able to respond dynamically to digital challenges and consequently more competitive. SFT-EDIH will act in implementing services leveraging a new concept of agricultural "digital biomarkers" that can dramatically minimize the environmental footprint, promote a circular economy based on chain by-products and enable full traceability of products.

SFH-EDIH, is the only nationally recognised DIH in the Agro-Food sector and results from the merger of 3 competing initiatives promoted by BGI, CAP and Smart Farm COLAB, whose complementarity allowed addressing the main digitalisation challenges of producers, processors and distributors, covering the whole value chain, from the meadow to the plate.

The complete consortium is made up of 28 leading Portuguese entities, which combine specific technological digital competences, as well as agronomic and other transversal competences, covering all agricultural areas. The consortium provides a set of 19 pre-market services complementary to the current market offers and aims to serve 6 000 beneficiaries in 3 years. The European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) act as one-stop-shops helping SMEs to dynamically respond to digital challenges and become more competitive.

Entities in the consortium: 1) BGI S.A, 2) FOOD4SUSTAlNABlITY - Association for innovation in sustainable food, Association 3) SFCOLAB Collaborative Laboratory for Digital innovation in Agriculture, 4) Colab4Food Association - Collaborative Laboratory for Innovation in the Agro-Food Industry, 5) Fraunhofer Portugal research Association, 6) Integralar Association, 7) Association for the development of Atlantic International research centre, 8) ADVID Associação para o desenvolvimento da Viticultira Duriense, 9) Confederação dos Agricultores de Portugal (CAP), 10) CONFAGRI-Confederação Nacional das Cooperativas Agrícolas e do Crédito Agrícola de Portugal CCRL, 11) COTEC, Portugal Associação Empresarial para a Inovação, 12) Centro Operativo Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional, 13) Federação das Indústrias Portuguesas Agroalimentares 14) Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, 15) INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência, 16) Instituto da Soldadura e Qualidade, 17) Instituto Superior de Agronomia, 18) Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, 19) SGS Portugal - Sociedade geral de Desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias-Associação, 20) UNINOVA - Instituto de desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias - Associação 21) Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 22) Universidade da Beira Interior, 23) Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 24) APED - Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Distribuição, 25) Wildtriumphs lda (Beta-i), 26) Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, 27) Sativa, Desenvolvimento Rural lda, 28) Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática.

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About the Digital Europe Programme

The Digital Europe Programme is a European Commission programme focused on strategic funding to meet the challenges of digitising European businesses by supporting projects in five areas: supercomputing, artificial intelligence, cyber security, advanced digital skills and ensuring a wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society, including through Digital Innovation Hubs. With an expected overall budget of €7.5 billion, it aims to accelerate economic recovery and shape the digital transformation of European society and economy, bringing benefits for all, but for small and medium-sized enterprises.

About the EDIH

The services that the EDIH will provide include: (a) Experimentation and testing of digital technologies (b) Qualification and training including digital technologies; (c) Supporting financing opportunities for investment in digital technologies; and (d) Facilitation and intermediation services. By providing access to technical expertise and experimentation, as well as the possibility to 'test before investing', EDIHs help companies to improve business/production processes, products or services using digital technologies. They also provide innovation services such as financial advice, training and skills development that are necessary for an effective digital transformation. Environmental issues are also taken into consideration, especially regarding energy consumption and low carbon emissions.

About BGI SA

BGI SA is an international accelerator of deep-tech startups - spin-off of MIT Portugal - that for the last 12 years has been empowering and connecting technology-based startups with investors, mentors, and customers around the world.

About Food4Sustainability (F4S) CoLAB

The Food4Sustainability (F4S) CoLAB is a collaborative lab located in Portugal that aims to solve large-scale problems in biological food systems (e.g., food, fish, algae, vegetables) for climate resilience. The F4S CoLAB is at the forefront of the shift from linear agri-food production processes to circular processes. The aim of F4S CoLAB is to test and implement new approaches in food production systems that positively impact: CO2 mitigation, no use of chemicals, sustainable intensification (maximising land use), preservation of water bodies and environmental impact, and increased efficiency in the food sector value chain.

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