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The Soil Health and Function Laboratory is part of the CoLab Food4Sustainability (F4S), serving as a key element in its mission dedicated to innovation in sustainable food production.

This mission is primarily driven by:

  1. Soil degradation caused by conventional agricultural practices, especially tillage, monoculture, and the use of synthetic chemicals;

  2. Decreased availability and rising costs of production factors: energy, water, fertilizers, and biocontrol agents

  3. Increased consumer demand for healthier and more sustainable food;

  4. Recent disruptions in global supply chains triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts in major agricultural production regions.


Through the integration of various technologies into a holistic approach to soil health (biotic + abiotic factors), the Soil Health and Function Laboratory aims to establish itself as a unique facility in Portugal fully dedicated to studying soil health and function while providing farmers with personalized insights on improving their crops or adapting to new challenges.

The Soil Health and Function Laboratory focuses on the role of microorganisms in soil.

Soil microbiome analysis is currently used as a decision-support tool, assisting farmers in transitioning to more sustainable agricultural practices. By examining the microbial communities present in the soil and their associated functions, farmers gain valuable insights into soil health and function. This is achieved through the analysis of the soil microbiota associated with a specific crop using next-generation sequencing (NGS) methods to uncover soil functionality. Since the soil microbiome acts as the primary indicator and promoter of soil health and function, its evaluation allows for an objective measurement of the impact of changes in agricultural practices and the use of bio-based additives, integrating analyses of nutrient cycles, crop growth promotion, and resilience to biotic and abiotic stresses.

By combining the results obtained from NGS analyses of the soil microbiome conducted at the Soil Health and Function Laboratory with enzymatic and physico-chemical analyses, researchers at CoLab Food4Sustainability provide comprehensive reports on soil functionality related to nutrition, stress adaptation, and microbial disease risks. They suggest tailored sustainable solutions such as biostimulants, biofertilizers, biocontrol agents, and regenerative practices. This knowledge helps farmers make informed decisions about nutrient management, pest and disease control, crop growth promotion, and yield optimization while minimizing environmental impact and ensuring a healthy future for their land and crops.

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The Soil Health and Function Laboratory is located within the headquarters of ArrudaLab - Agro-industrial Innovation and Incubation Center, in the heart of Arruda dos Vinhos. The former Town Hall building also includes incubation spaces for businesses. It was inaugurated on October 20, 2023, by the Minister of the Presidency, Mariana Vieira da Silva, following renovation works, representing an investment of approximately one million euros.

Situated about 30 km north of Lisbon, in a region where the West, Ribatejo, and Saloia areas converge, the Soil Health and Function Laboratory enjoys a privileged location. It is central for receiving samples from across the country while remaining relevant and accessible to productive territories outside major urban centers.

The Soil Health and Function Laboratory has a usable area of approximately 100 m², divided into three separate areas for 1) Sample processing; 2) DNA extraction and NGS library preparation; 3) DNA sequencing through NGS.

  1. Sample reception and initial processing 

  2. DNA extraction and NGS library preparation 

  3. DNA sequencing through NGS 

In addition to the laboratory space, the building also features shared areas for meetings, events, and conferences.


Local Contribution and Reciprocity

The inclusion of the Soil Health and Function Laboratory in a central building in Arruda dos Vinhos fosters synergies between the municipality and the technological and scientific fabric, thereby contributing to:

  1. Enhancement of the identity of the region and ArrudaLab.

  2. Promotion of the international visibility of the municipality through its presence in established networks, including a specialized Food4Sustainability services counter and SFT-EDIH.

  3. Improvement of soil health and function in the municipality of Arruda dos Vinhos through soil analysis and the development of a regeneration plan, contributing to the sustainability of agricultural systems.

  4. Increase in qualified employment within the municipality.

Rua do Adro, n.º19
2630-207 Arruda dos Vinhos

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