Obesity and cardiovascular diseases are one of the biggest health problems, caused mainly by eating habits. In a western culture, meat products are very consumed, with fats being very present in this diet.
This problem has led to government initiatives worldwide that seek to ban trans fats and reduce saturated fats in food products. In this sense, Porminho in consortium with Minho University and International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) are developing the project “BetterFat4Meat: Development of structured fat for use in meat products to replace animal fat”.
BetterFat4Meat seeks to replace animal fat with structured vegetable fat, enabling new lipid profiles that allow the reduction of saturated and / or trans fats in processed meat foods.
This project will also respond to the challenges posed by consumers, who are looking for healthier foods, while maintaining organoleptic properties and food quality and safety.
Read full article here.